Rowman & Littlefield, 2010
Author: Mauricio Font
Coffee and Transformation in São Paulo, Brazil advances a distinctive interpretation of the dynamism of the São Paulo region since the latter part of the nineteenth century. Large and entrepreneurial coffee landlords opened the frontier to the west of the state capital, playing a key role in making the state and Brazil the world’s largest coffee producer for international markets. However, many of the immigrant settlers from Italy, Japan, Spain, and other countries emerged as major actors in the last phase of frontier expansion in western São Paulo. A substantial number of them found ways to become independent agriculturalists or enact new careers in commerce, industry, and services in the network of towns emerging in this region. This volume pays close attention to the political and economic implications of this region’s process of segmentation and transformation, including their links to regionalism, political conflict, and the Revolution of 1930.
“The contours of modern Brazil can be traced to the great social and political transformations that rocked São Paulo prior to 1930. Combining theoretical rigor and a graceful style, Mauricio A. Font’s superb volume shines a bright light on the historical forces that did so much to shape the destiny of one of the most fascinating societies in the world today.”
—Thomas J. Trebat, Columbia University
“Coffee and Transformation in São Paulo, Brazil, by Professor Mauricio Font, makes an important contribution to better understanding the interaction of social, political, and economic forces in Brazil’s most developed state during the 1890-1930 period, when São Paulo’s economy was transformed from an agricultural base into an industrial powerhouse. I strongly recommend this book to those interested in Brazil’s development in the twentieth century.”
—David Fleischer, University of Brasília