Brazil and the World: Strategy and Foreign Policy

April 25, 2014 - 4:00 pm

Room C201 (The Graduate Center, CUNY)

Brazil and the World: Strategy and Foreign Policy. April 25, 2014

Luiz PedoneInstitute of Strategic Studies, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Kenneth EricksonThe Graduate Center and Hunter College, CUNY

Luiz PedoneLuiz Pedone obtained his Ph.D at the University of Massachusetts. He taught at the University of Brasilia from 1976 to 2003 and is currently a Professor of IR and Public Policy at the Institute of Strategic Studies (Inest) at Univ Federal Fluminense (UFF) in Niterói- Rio de Janeiro. His current research focuses on Science and Technology as key factor in defense strategy. He coordinates the Research Group Defense, S&T and International Politics at Inest-UFF. He also earned degrees in public administration at University of Brasilia and industrial engineering at Georgia Tech.

Kenneth EricksonKenneth Erickson is a professor of Political Science at Hunter College. His areas of specialization include comparative politics, Latin American politics, democratization, drugs and public policy, and environmental and energy policy.