Brazil at a New Crossroads: Political Outlook before the 2018 Elections
April 18, 2018 - 4:00 pm
Room C201/02
The Graduate Center, CUNY
David Fleischer (Ph.D. University of Florida); renowned political analyst, chief editor of Brazil Focus, emeritus professor at the University of Brasilia. Fleischer has published extensively on Brazilian politics (Congress, elections, political parties, and political corruption), and North-South Relations. He was Director of the School of Social and Political Science at UniDF – Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal.
Viviane Luporini (Ph.D., City University of New York) is associate professor of Economics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Her research examines fiscal and monetary aspects of the Brazilian economy, the sustainability of the government´s debt and the fiscal conditions for debt management. She is currently a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Latin American Studies (ILAS) of Columbia University.
Jorge Alves (Ph.D., Brown University) is an assistant professor at the Department of Political Science at Queens College, CUNY. He specializes in comparative politics, specifically on subnational politics, intergovernmental relations, state capacity construction and the political economy of development, with a regional focus on Latin America and Brazil.
Kenneth Erickson (Ph.D., Columbia University) is professor of Political Science at Hunter College, CUNY. His areas of specialization include comparative politics, Latin American politics, democratization, drugs and public policy, and environmental and energy policy.
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