Changing Perspectives on the Cuban Revolution
December 8, 2011 - 4:00 pm
Samuel Farber, Brooklyn College
Carlos Alzugaray, University of Havana
Mauricio Font, The Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies
Samuel Farber, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Brooklyn College, and Carlos Alzugaray, Visiting Professor of History at Queens College and Professor at Havana University, will share their perspectives on the Cuban Revolution. This event will mark the launching of Farber’s new book, “Cuba Since the Revolution of 1959: A Critical Assessment” (Haymarket Books).
“Farber’s comprehensive and well-written assessment of Cuba’s experience since 1959 is rooted in history, informed by the comparative sociology of communist regimes, and rich in insightful and feisty analysis.”
— Jorge I. Domínguez, Professor of Mexican and Latin American Politics and Economics, Harvard University
“This important, very well written, and quite interesting book, evaluates the 52 years of the Cuban revolution under a classical Marxist (pre-Stalinist) viewpoint. Samuel Farber doesn’t pretend to be impartial: he advocates a transition toward a revolutionary, participatory socialist democracy, based on majority rule, civil rights, and liberties. And yet his book is thoroughly, painstakingly documented. He evaluates, with surprising insights, Cuba’s performance on national sovereignty, political democracy, economic growth, social welfare, race, gender, and the stand of domestic and external dissidents and critics. It is up-to-date, including an examination of the guidelines for the VI Party Congress, and ends with a good balance sheet and Marx and Engels’ views. Expect a strong reaction both from the right and the left. Don’t miss it!”
— Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Economics and Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh
About the speakers:
Samuel Farber is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Brooklyn College. He has written numerous books and articles on Cuba including, The Origins of the Cuban Revolution Reconsidered (2007), and Revolution and Reaction in Cuba 1933-1960 (1976).
Carlos Alzugaray is professor at the University of Havana and Cuban diplomat. He studied at the International Division of Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan (1959 -1961), and at the University of Havana (1961-1965). He has Bachelor’s degrees in Diplomacy (1965) and History of Cuba (1989); Master’s degree in Contemporary History (1999) and Ph.D. in Historical Sciences, all from the University of Havana.
Mauricio Font is director of the Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies and professor of sociology at The Graduate Center and Queens College, City University of New York. His research examines problems of development and reform in Brazil, Cuba and Latin America as well as international cooperation in the Western Hemisphere.