Contemporary Cuban Women Writers: Reshaping the Narrative

March 6, 2020 - 4:00 pm

Skylight Room
The Graduate Center, CUNY

This panel will showcase a diverse selection of narrative works by several contemporary Cuban women writers. Held in conjunction with the recent release of a critical anthology, Lecturas atentas: una visita desde la ficción y la crítica a veinte narradoras cubanas contemporáneas, this panel will highlight the artistic vibrancy of Cuban women’s narrative production through dialogue and a multiplicity of critical perspectives.

Odette Casamayor-Cisneros (PhD, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris) is associate professor of Latin American Literature and Culture at the University of Pennsylvania. Some of her publications include Una casa en los Catksills (2011) and the volume of essays Utopía, distopía e ingravidez: reconfiguraciones cosmológicas en la narrativa postsoviética cubana (2013). She is currently working on a new book, On Being Blacks: Self-identification & Counter-Hegemonic Knowledge in Contemporary Afro-Cuban Arts.

Elzbieta Sklodowska (PhD, Washington University) Randolph Family Professor of Spanish at Washington University in Saint Louis. She has published widely on topics pertaining to Spanish American literatures and cultures, including the following books with focus on the Caribbean and Cuba: Espectros y espejismos: Haití en el imaginario cubano and Invento luego resisto: El Período Especial en Cuba como experiencia y metáfora (1990-2015). She is co-editor, with Mabel Cuesta, of Lecturas atentas. Una visita desde la ficción y la crítica a veinte narradoras cubanas contemporáneas (Almenara, 2019).

Mabel Cuesta (PhD, The Graduate Center, CUNY) is associate professor at the University of Houston. She has published,  In Via, In Patria (2016 & 2019); Nuestro Caribe. Poder, raza y postnacionalismos desde los límites del mapa LGBTQ (2016); Bajo el cielo de Dublín (2013); Cuba post-soviética: un cuerpo narrado en clave de mujer (2012); Inscrita bajo sospecha (2010); Cuaderno de la fiancée (2005) and Confesiones on line (2003). She is co-editor, with Elzbieta Sklodowska, of Lecturas atentas. Una visita desde la ficción y la crítica a veinte narradoras cubanas contemporáneas (Almenara, 2019).


Ana María Hernández (PhD, New York University) is professor of Latin American Literature and Culture at LaGuardia Community College, CUNY. Some of her publications include an annotated edition of Fantoches 1926: Folletín Moderno por Once Escritores Cubanos (Stockcero, 2011), and an edition of Cirilo Villaverde’s novel Cecilia Valdés o La Loma del Angel (Stockcero, 2013).


Organizer: Araceli Tinajero, The Graduate Center/City College, CUNY

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