Brazil at a Turning Point: Post-Election Dynamics and Outlook
November 9, 2018 - 4:00 pm
Room 9206
The Graduate Center, CUNY
David Fleischer (Ph.D. University of Florida); renowned political analyst, chief editor of Brazil Focus, emeritus professor at the University of Brasilia. Fleischer has published extensively on Brazilian politics (Congress, elections, political parties, and political corruption), and North-South Relations. He was Director of the School of Social and Political Science at UniDF – Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal.
Jorge Alves (Ph.D., Brown University) is assistant professor at the Department of Political Science at Queens College, CUNY. He specializes in comparative politics, specifically on subnational politics, intergovernmental relations, state capacity construction and the political economy of development, with a regional focus on Latin America and Brazil.
Mauricio Font (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is Director of the Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies and Professor of Sociology at The Graduate Center and Queens College, CUNY. His most recent publication is The State and the Private Sector in Latin America (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015). Some of his publications on Brazil include Coffee and Transformation in São Paulo, Brazil (Lexington Books, 2010), Transforming Brazil: A Reform Era in Perspective (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003), and The Brazilian State: Debate and Agenda (Lexington Books 2011).
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