"El Cuerno de la Abundancia:" Screening and Discussion
August 18, 2016 - 6:00 pm
Segal Theatre (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
2008: Havana Film Festival: Best Screenplay and Grand Coral Award
2009: Mar del Plata Film Festival: Special Jury Award
2009: Cartagena Film Festival: Special Jury Prize
2009: Lima International Film Festival: Audience Award
When news of an inheritance for members of the Castiñeiras family reaches the small town of Yaragüey, the community is thrown into chaos. Bernardito is at first skeptical, but after accessing the Internet and discovering that the story of the unexpected legacy has made headlines around the world, he begins to believe it could be true. In the eighteenth century a group of Castiñeiras nuns deposited treasure in a British bank, and it has been accumulating interest ever since. According to the authorities, the amount owing to each family has reached millions of euros. Buoyed by the promise of wealth, Castiñeiras descendents from all around Cuba begin banding together to try to prove their eligibility. But matters are complicated by the fact that there are two different Castiñeiras family lines, and no one is sure which faction is entitled to the money.
With English subtitles.
Discussant: Jerry Carlson, The City College and The Graduate Center, CUNY
Jerry Carlson (Ph.D., University of Chicago) is Director of the Cinema Studies Program in the Department of Media & Communication Arts at The City College, CUNY. He is a specialist in narrative theory, global independent film, and the cinemas of the Americas. He is a member of the doctoral faculties of French, Film Studies and Comparative Literature at the Graduate Center, CUNY and a Senior Fellow at the Bildner Center for Western Hemispheric Studies. Carlson has lectured at Stanford, Columbia, Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV (Cuba), the University of Paris, and the University of São Paulo, among others. His current research is focused on how slavery and its legacy in the New World have been represented in film, literature, and music.
Carlson is an active producer, director, and writer with multiple Emmy Awards. As a Senior Producer for City University Television (CUNY-TV), he created and produces the series CITY CINEMATHEQUE about film history, CANAPE about French-American cultural relations, and NUEVA YORK (in Spanish) about the Latino cultures of New York City. In 1998 he was inducted by France as a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes.