Human Rights and Public Security in Latin America

March 19, 2004 - 5:00 pm

Whether as a result of civil war or the search for an improved standard of living, nearly every country in the America’s has been affected by significant movements of people. In some cases these movements represent large scale disruptions such as conflict or natural disaster refugees who flood cities that do not have the necessary resources to take them in. In other cases the movements of people represent a difficult but necessary response to the economic exigencies of a rapidly globalizing marketplace characterized by intense geographically linked wealthy inequalities. As people move so do ideas, institutions, conflicts, and resources. Many countries in Central America and the Caribbean today receive a large portion of the GDP as a result of remittances from nationals living in the US. At the same time these countries political situations have also suffered as a result of citizens who have returned with criminal ties in the US or who bring easily available firearms back with them. This seminar will focus on these general themes broadly looking at the ways that migration and diasporal patterns are changing today, the impact that they are having on political and social systems, and the conceptual and cultural changes that come as a result of these movements.


Transnational Experience in the Age of the Drug Wars: A Pilot Study of Deportees in Santo Domingo
David Brotherton, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY

Edward Paulino, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY

David C. Brotherton is Associate Professor of Sociology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He received his Ph.D. at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1992. Prof. Brotherton is co-editor of Gangs and Society: Alternative Perspectives (Columbia University Press 2003), and The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation: The Transformation of a New York Street Gang (Columbia University Press 2004).

Edward Paulino is Assistant Professor of History at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He received his Ph.D. from Michigan State in 2001. Prof. Paulino has published several essays on human rights in Latin America including, “National Politics and Ethnic Identity in the Dominican Republic”, in the New West Indian Guide (2002) and “Forgotten Atrocities: The 1937 Genocidal Haitian Massacre in the Dominican Republic”, in Genocide: Essays Towards Understanding, Early-Warning, and Prevention (1999).