Our Man in Havana: Screening and Panel Discussion

July 30, 2014 - 7:00 pm

Segal Theatre (The Graduate Center, CUNY)

Our Man in Havana: Screening and Panel Discussion. July 31, 2014


Jerry W. CarlsonThe Graduate Center and City College of New York
Eduardo Mendieta, Stony Brook University

Jerry CarlsonJerry W. Carlson is a specialist in narrative theory, global independent film, and the cinemas of the Americas. Professor Carlson is Director of the Cinema Studies Program in the Department of Media & Communication Arts at The City College and a member of the faculties of French, Film Studies, and Comparative Literature at the CUNY Graduate Center.

Eduardo MendietaEduardo Mendieta is chair of philosophy at Stony Brook University. He has edited several volumes on the Frankfurt School, contemporary Latin American philosophy, and issues of religion, globalization, and global justice. He has studied various texts on Havana including Graham’s Our Man in Havana, Infante’s El libro de las ciudades, and Carpentier’s Amor a la ciudad. His most recent book is entitled Global Fragments: Globalizations, Latin Americanisms, and Critical Theory (SUNY, 2007).