The Enigma of Race in Brazil

April 5, 2005 - 5:00 pm

This Bildner Seminar brings together specialists to discuss the logic of race in the Brazilian context and especially how it differs from the United States, which has long been the paradigmatic case for sociological understanding of race. This panel will review the role of race, race thinking and racial classification, inequality, segregation, and intermarriage, relying on census and survey data.

Edward E. Telles, University of California Los Angeles and Russell Sage Foundation

Michael Turner, Hunter College and The Graduate Center, CUNY
John Collins, Queens College, CUNY

Mauricio Font, Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies

Edward E. Telles is Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He is currently on sabbatical leave from UCLA, as a visiting scholar at the Russell Sage Foundation in New York. He served as the Program Officer in Human Rights in the Brazil office of the Ford Foundation from 1997-2000 and has been a visiting professor at the State University of Campinas and the Federal University of Bahia. Recent publications include Race in Another America: The Significance of Skin Color in Brazil (Princeton, NJ Princeton University Press 2004) and Racismo à Brasileira: Uma Nova Perspectiva Sociológica (Rio de Janeiro, Relume Dumará, 2003).