The Problem of Populism in Brazil: São Paulo's Auto Workers in Historical Perspective
March 22, 2012 - 4:00 pm
Joe Wolf, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Amy Chazkel, Queens College, CUNY
About the Speaker:
Joel Wolfe studies the impact of modernity, industrialism, and trade on Latin American societies and their politics. His primary focus is modern Brazil. He is the author most recently of Autos and Progress: The Brazilian Search for Modernity (Oxford 2010). He also published Working Women, Working Men: São Paulo and the Rise of Brazil’s Industrial Working Class, 1900-1955 (Duke 1993). His articles have appeared in theLatin American Research Review, Hispanic American Historical, Radical History Review, Review, Luso-Brazilian Review, and Revista Brasileira de História. He is at present working on a book tentatively entitled100 Years of Trade in Latin America.