Raquel Chang-Rodríguez
Distinguished Professor, Hispanic Literature & Culture, City College/Graduate Center, CUNY
Raquel Chang-Rodríguez (Ph.D., New York University) is Distinguished Professor of Hispanic literature and culture at the Graduate Center and the City College, CUNY. Among her books and editions are: Literaturas orales y primeros textos coloniales (2017); Voces de Hispanoamérica. Antología literaria (4th ed. 2012); “Aquí, ninfas del sur, venid ligeras.” Voces poéticas virreinales (2008); Entre la espada y la pluma. El Inca Garcilaso y sus “Comentarios reales” (2011) which features her conversation with Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa; La palabra y la pluma en ‘Primer nueva crónica y buen gobierno’ (2005). Chang-Rodríguez is the founding editor of the prize-winning journal Colonial Latin American Review. She is Honorary Associate of the Hispanic Society of America, Profesora Honoraria of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima, and Miembro Correspondiente of the Peruvian Academy of the Language.