The Cuban Republic and José Martí

December 5-8, 2001
The Graduate Center, CUNY

At its birth, sev­eral lead­ers of the new Cuban Repub­lic and insti­tu­tions vied for artic­u­lat­ing Cuban iden­tity, the state, and civil soci­ety. One legacy in par­tic­u­lar, the nation­al­ist and polit­i­cal ideas of José Martí, took a cen­tral stage among the fol­low­ers of the Cuban sep­a­ratist mar­tyr and “apostle.”


Editors: Mauricio A. Font and Alfonso W. Quiroz

The essays in this volume analyze the influence of Jose Marti – poet, scholar, and revolutionary – on the formation of often-competing national identities in post-independence Cuba. By exploring the diverse representations and interpretations of Marti, they provide a critical analysis of the ways in which both the left and right have used his political and literary legacies to argue their version of contemporary Cuban ‘reality.’


The Cuban Republic and José Martí: 1902-2002
